Make Tesla’s Failure Your Victory

Jason Williams

Posted March 17, 2023

A few months ago, Elon Musk’s Tesla finally unveiled its first “working” semi truck to an industry that’s been waiting for years to see what the EV king would create.

But it’s been nothing but an utter disaster ever since it first rolled out of the factory and onto the streets.

The trucks are already breaking down, which is a bad sign since the average diesel-powered big rig can go about 500,000 miles with just regular maintenance before it needs any major work.

Tesla’s semi’s aren’t even lasting the 40,000 miles a diesel-powered rig goes between oil changes.

It’s making drivers joke that to have an electric truck, you need to keep two diesel trucks on standby: one so you can tow your EV back home and another so you can haul your load where it was supposed to go…

towing tesla semi

I guess it's a good thing that tow trucks don’t run on batteries yet.

A Truck No Trucker Wanted

But breaking down isn’t even the biggest problem they’re running into. The biggest problem is that truckers, the folks who drive those big rigs all over the world, don’t like them.

The truck was designed by engineers from California, not by anyone who knows anything about how transportation services work.

That’s why the seat is in the middle of the cab, making it impossible for drivers to pass paperwork out the window as they enter or leave a yard or port.

It’s why the windshield is angled and extremely large, making it nearly impossible to clear snow or frost off it in cold conditions and allowing the cab to heat up dramatically on sunny days.

It’s why the doors are behind the driver’s seat, forcing the company to waste cab space on what amounts to a hallway from the door to the seat.

And it’s why real truckers are calling it nothing more than a “rich boy’s toy, not a practical, working vehicle, because its designers have no clue about the realities of transport.”

And it’s one of many reasons why electric trucks aren’t going to be the future of hauling freight around the world.

From Bad to Worse

The other major problems confronting the Tesla semi are the same confronting all the other EV semi truck prototypes: long charge times, less power density, and short ranges.

While it takes only a few minutes to fill up a diesel semi, it can take hours to fully charge an electric semi.

And that single charge requires the same amount of electricity that an average house uses in a month.

Talk about stress on the grid… especially when you’re talking about thousands of trucks passing through hundreds of truck stops every day to recharge.

About the only thing that could add that much extra energy to a local grid is a big diesel generator at every truck stop creating the electricity to charge the trucks so they don’t have to run on diesel.

That sounds like it defeats the purpose of having battery-powered semi trucks to me…

And it could be why Cummins, America’s largest and most famous diesel engine-maker, is all-in on building its own electric truck.

Its diesel engines will make for excellent “range extenders”…

Which brings me to my next point: An average diesel-powered big rig can go about 1,000 miles on a full tank of gas.

Most electric semis can go between 200 and 300 miles on a full charge. Even Tesla’s rig with its massive batteries can only make it 500 miles.

You don’t have to have any advanced mathematics degrees to know that’s half as far as a diesel truck can go.

So not only does it take exponentially longer to charge them, but once you get back on the road, you can only stay there half as long.

I’m starting to think that the truckers don’t just dislike the placement of the seat…

And then you’ve got the power density issue: Lithium-ion batteries don’t pack nearly as much punch into the same space as a tank of diesel fuel.

They’re also incredibly heavy, which reduces the amount of cargo the trucks can haul.

And they’re incredibly expensive. Tesla hasn’t publicly announced a price yet, but the batteries alone cost about three–four times as much as a new diesel-powered rig will run you.

So it looks like — in the near term, at least — we’re not going to replace those big, dirty semis with electric trucks.

Or Maybe We Will

At least, not the kind of electric truck most people think about when you say “EV.”

You see, there is an alternative to diesel-powered semi trucks that's not a battery-powered EV…

And some of the most senior automobile executives on the planet agree that it’s the real future of “electric” trucking.

And that’s because these trucks don’t require that you stop for a few hours every few hundred miles to charge the batteries…

Because these trucks charge as they drive…

But this has nothing to do with solar panels or turbines or anything like that. This is time-tested, proven technology that's already in use across the globe.

And when these trucks do need to be “recharged,” it takes no longer than topping off the tank of a traditional big rig — a few minutes at most.

Plus, because they don’t rely on heavy, expensive lithium batteries, they’re more affordable and can haul more freight.

They don’t have to give up thousands of pounds of cargo space to house thousands of pounds of batteries that have to be charged every few hundred miles.

The engines they use are already powering commercial transportation equipment like forklifts, trains, trucks, and even buses around the world.

Yet the company making all this possible is still unknown to the vast majority of investors.

But I’m convinced that it’s got the potential to completely unseat Tesla as the king of the future of transportation.

And I’m also convinced that will lead its stock to meteoric gains as more of its products hit the road on highways and byways across the U.S. and then around the globe.

So today, I want to share a report that I’ve compiled on the technology that’s going to crush the EV semi truck industry before it even gets off the ground.

It breaks down how these special engines work and how they generate their own electricity as they roll down the road.

It explains the technology in simple terms. It even explains exactly how you can get invested now, before the crowd (and before the rally that mass adoption will lead to).

Take a little bit of time today before you slide into the weekend to see what I’ve uncovered and get yourself invested, too.

You won’t regret it.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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